# AlpineEditor

AlpineEditor is a simple WYSIWYG editor created to be easily usable with Alpine.JS(opens new window) and Laravel Livewire(opens new window) .

# Why?

There are many great editors out there (including CKEditor, TinyMCE, Trix etc.), but I wanted an editor which is more declarative.
Declarative like Alpine.JS and easily stylable with e.g. TailwindCSS.

It should be an editor which fits into the TALL stack(opens new window) .

# How?

AlpineEditor is based on the awesome ProseMirror(opens new window) project.
ProseMirror(opens new window) itself is not an editor, it is more like a framework to create WYSIWYG editors for the web.
If you are ever in the need to create a custom WYSIWYG editor, check it out! It's simply amazing!

The Editor registers a Web/Custom Component. This Component is used to set up the Editor instance "internally" and removes the need to
use Alpines x-init hook.